Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Fathers Day ... where's the apostrophe ?

Has anyone else noticed ? Mother's day has an apostrophe, it's a day belonging to Mother, Fathers Day however belongs to others, to the givers of goodness to us poor old Dads. What a splendid day I had, remarkably similar to most Sundays except that, after getting up, showering and shaving (not in that order), dressing, ("you're not wearing that it's filthy") dressing again, going to the village and getting the Sunday papers and making tea for Mrs Stuffy I had to go back to bed and wait for gift-related goodness from our sleepy-head girls and one sleep-over boy. Eventually, thrilled by my jokey cards, stunning new tie, groovy lime-green ipod shuffle (I really do need to rationalise my excessive Ipod collection) and an amusing oven glove I was allowed to rise (again) and enjoy a delicious breakfast. It's very rare that anyone but me does cooking at the barn, mostly because I enjoy it. This meal fit for a king ( a king who likes bacon, toast and microwaved scrambled egg) was prepared by a significant number of the women in my life. Thank you ladies, I hope I'm worth it. From then on it was pretty much Sunday as normal so I took the opportunity to capture a little of the day in this video taster. Click here for Easy ... Sunday Morning

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Movie Review - Pirates of the Caribbean 3

An easy one this, yarr, Johnny Depp be having immense fun, Keith Richard be lovely in his brief cameo, Messrs Rush and Nighy be a doing of the acting thing very well and sadly, Miss Knightly and young master Bloom bain't nowhere near good enough actors to compete with them there special effects. Beware ya lubbers, the whole film does have a bit of a feel of "let's try and get as much into this one as we can". so to summarise, it be better than 2 but it be not as good as 1, ahar

Avast there mateys, today's newly discovered Pirate fact - pirates flew a Crimson Jolly Roger rather than the orthodox black and white to tell their victims to expect no mercy, check out this BBC story

Friday, June 01, 2007

A new arrival at the farm, cute as cute can be

Sunday evening saw the long awaited delivery of a foal to V's grey mare Jazz, the ex-showjumping resid
ent of the farm. The whole process took less than 30 minutes from initial lying down moaning to fully functional wobbly small horse, in pouring rain. At the risk of offending my lady readers, I can't really see why you make such a fuss about childbirth. Considering the size, number of legs and general sharp-edged-ness of a foal it seemed a remarkably painless process.

I've captured Bella's first faltering footsteps in a little youtube video. Click on the photo to play it.
