Labels: Oakwood chickens Stuffy Barn
Labels: Oakwood chickens Stuffy Barn
Movie review - Harry Potter and the bloody half-prince
Mrs Stuffy informs me that the reason I'm less than enamoured with this latest Potter fable is that I'm "not a fan", she is, unusually, wrong. I enjoyed the first couple of books, I loved the first couple of films, I just feel I'm suffering from repetitive wand syndrome, it's a little bit too much more of the same.
Another 3D experience - Movie Review - Ice Age 3
I was dragged kicking and screaming into the first Ice Age movie, I was still kicking and screaming when I left but only because I wanted to watch it all over again.
The second of the series was also delightful, larded with quite subtle and sophisticated humour to keep the elderly entertained. I'm delighted to report that Ice Age 3 has broken little new ground, doing pretty much what the predecessors did and doing it very well.
The graphics delight, the characterisation is consistent and engaging, the writing sharp and the jokes, visual and verbal are a treasure trove for reference spotters and movie buffs. It's a great film for little ones (we took three, ranging from tiny to middling) and a very good film for big ones.
One thing troubles me, (actually, many things trouble me but I'll spare you the details) Anyway, in the context of this movie one thing troubles me, I was pretty impressed by the strides the 3D technology had taken when I looked through the specs a year ago but I've since enjoyed Bolt, Coraline and this offering through the magic lenses and I'm by no means convinced that those three very good movies were much enhanced by the 3D aspect. We'll see if "Up", (which has a great trailer) can convince me.
An antediluvian haiku
Engaging and fun
dinosaurs versus mammals
the film makers won
Movie Review - Public Enemies ...
Here's the thing, Mrs Stuffy thinks that Johnny Depp walks on water and I admire the virtuosity of director Michael Mann so you'd think that we'd be on a surefire winner toddling along to the megaplex to watch this romanticised version of the pursuit and termination of John Dillinger, (sorry if that spoils it for anyone expecting a happy ending).
I'd read that it was shot using hand-held cameras and digital (rather than film) high definition and every shaky but beautifully multi-faceted snowflake, the individual pores of the skin of the cast, every beautifully captured colour of hat, sheen of rain on sleek shiny coachwork, all speak volumes for the technical skills and the technology involved.
The acting is beyond reproach, I rate Johnny Depp, I think Christian Bale is good at the acting thing, Mlle Cotillard is super but here's the problem. It's dull, really dull, tedious, confusing, poorly structured and I didn't really care what happened to anyone (even though it was always very obvious what was going to happen next). Dull, dull, dull, not quite dull enough to send Mrs S off to Slumberland but it was a very close run thing.
Hard to come up with a haiku without using the word dull but here goes...
Technically hot but
lukewarm Bonny and Clyde tale
thug and moll, sadly fail